On Line and In person initial screening FREE
Evaluation Rates (evaluation plus report)
Articulation or Fluency $150
Language Testing $200
Language and Articulation or Fluency $225
Articulation and Fluency $200
Language, Articulation and Fluency $350
Specialty Evaluations $300
In Person Therapy Session $150 per 30 minute session
8 Scheduled Sessions $100 per session
16 Scheduled Sessions $85 per session
24 Scheduled Sessions $65 per session
Offered to limited areas in Houston/Cypress/Katy Texas
Takes place in the home or private school/daycare
Tailored to each client’s individual needs
30 Minute sessions
Extended in person Session + $25
- 45 Minutes
Online Individual Session $100/session
8 Scheduled Sessions $80 per session
16 Scheduled Sessions $70 per session
24 Scheduled Sessions $60 per session
- Offered anywhere in Texas
- 30 minute sessions
- Focused on client goals
Consultation $100
Offered to limited areas in Houston/Cypress/Katy Texas
A consultation is a one hour long session and includes reviewing an evaluation that is less than a year old
The evaluation is reviewed before the meeting and recommendations are made based on the review and parent concerns.